The News

It was 8 years ago when I received that call that would forever change every part of me. The call I would receive that I thought was a prank call. How could this be? not my Mommy, my protector, my confidant, my love, my best friend. How could someone so strong and vibrant with independence gleaming all over her become so dependent and left with no memory. Was I dreaming, or was I in denial of signs in which were invisible to me. Me and my mother were two peas in a pod and her voice of reasoning and love were now that of a total stranger. Who is the person in front of me? Her eyes which use to light up when she saw me now resembles an uncertainty of a person she loved so dearly. My name she would soon forget and all the birthday calls I would receive would turn it to just memories. I was numb to the news I received and stuffed it way down in my soul so I could be strong for my family. My muse, my every day sunshine of awakening of every part of being which was in me is now an everlasting memory I hold onto to make it through another day. You see it wasn’t the news that numb me, it was knowing I will never here her I love you’s, her I’m so proud of you, her fight songs for me, her singing happy birthday to me, her just loving me unconditionally which now is just a memory I hold onto dearly.

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